About me

2017- present Member of the Roumanian Plastic Artists Union 

2016-2018: MFA, Creative Strategies in Painting, National University of Arts Bucharest, Romania

2013-2016: BA, Painting, National University of Arts Bucharest, Romania



I expres my feelings painting what I know – figures (human and animal), still life and landscape, but with a different personal approach, in an abstract line, in a chromatic out of conventional patterns.  I quickly move from a realistic register to the abstraction and stylization of the real shapes we are used to. Stylization, unlike idealization, is not aimed to beautify, but to emphasize its characteristics by eliminating non-essential particularities. The purpose of transforming the organic shape into an abstract, synthesized one, has the role of revealing the inner, divine part, resulting as a way of spiritual communication. I build the compositional elements singularly, introducing them in various combinations, creating for each work an ensemble of sketches (shapes and colors), which I organize into a single large shape whose role is  to transmit the compositional message.

I usually start from material shapes around me or I get inspired by memories, photos, older unfinished works. Then all these go through a process and a personal vision of synthesizing, composing or decomposing to familiarize myself with the transition from their organic form, to geometrization, trying to reach an inner “sound” of my own. The greater, freer, and more sincere the abstraction is, the purer its superior, primitive effect will be. By stylizing the form, I have the feeling that I can dive deeper into its content and essence. The minimization of details, even removing them , made me discover the form, in all its purity. Essential for me, it is not the representation of the subject, but the expression of the emotions transmited  by shapes and colors. The shapes are related to the chromatic valences of each work. I sometimes build the shape of the object with linear and precise contours, sometimes modulated but certain, so that it becomes obvious, meaningful and expressive. The narrative rendering does not seem to exist, but each work contains in its space, affective fragments of my memory closely related to the working state . I am looking for solutions with the help of contrast elements, chromatic play, combined with the rhythm offered by graphic areas, which organize, catalyse and complete the composition. 

   Overall, I could define the intention by which my works appears, as a sensitive balance between joy and responsibility, between uncertain and certain, as a dialogue between abstract and figurative.For the authenticity of the artistic act, it is necessary to search for the artist’s own interior, to eliminate unnecessary or meaningless details that can disturb the result. 

Contact me

0730 131 041

0730 131 041